Encouraging Good Relationships In Co-Working Office Spaces

In the bustling world of co-working office spaces, fostering good relationships goes beyond simple camaraderie; it becomes a cornerstone of productivity and workplace satisfaction. 

As these shared environments become a mainstay for freelancers and enterprises alike, the subtle art of building connections can transform everyday interactions into a reservoir of collaborative potential and mutual respect.


Car Share Schemes

Car share schemes are increasingly popular in co-working environments, serving as a practical solution to daily commutes while simultaneously reducing carbon footprints. By pooling vehicles, colleagues not only share travel costs but also contribute to fewer cars on the road, which leads to reduced traffic congestion and pollution. 

More than just an environmentally friendly option, these schemes encourage participants to spend time together outside of the usual office setting, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. This shared time can be a breeding ground for new ideas or simply a way to strengthen bonds between coworkers, making the daily commute an opportunity for team building and networking.


Participating in Active Movement

Encouraging active movement among employees not only promotes health but also enhances teamwork within the workplace. 

A prime example of this is participating in initiatives like On Your Feet Britain®, which motivates workers to stand up and incorporate more physical activity into their day. Integrating exercise desks during this event allows participants to reduce the health risks associated with prolonged sitting while simultaneously fostering team spirit and collaboration. 

To boost involvement, offices can set up internal challenges and offer rewards for both team and individual efforts, such as tracking the highest number of standing hours or hosting a desk-decorating competition. These fun and engaging activities not only energise employees but also cultivate a supportive and health-conscious office environment.


Running Social Events for Colleagues

Social events play a crucial role in building relationships within co-working spaces, offering a relaxed setting for colleagues to connect beyond their professional roles. These gatherings can range from casual Friday afternoon drinks to more organised events like themed parties or group lunches. For example, hosting a quiz night or a cultural food fair not only breaks the ice among team members but also adds an element of fun and discovery to the work environment. 

Such events encourage informal interactions and deeper personal connections, which can translate into improved communication and collaboration during work hours. By investing time in social activities, co-working spaces can foster a community atmosphere where creativity and cooperation flourish.


Team Building Days

Team-building days are integral to strengthening professional bonds in co-working environments. These activities are designed to enhance communication and foster mutual respect among diverse groups of colleagues. Suitable exercises for such settings include problem-solving challenges, which require teams to collaborate creatively to find solutions, or outdoor group sports that encourage physical activity and light-hearted competition. 

Additionally, interactive workshops that focus on skills development, such as leadership or communication workshops, can be particularly effective. These kinds of activities not only break down barriers between individuals but also contribute to a more cohesive and supportive office culture. 


Designing a Welcoming Workspace

Designing a welcoming workspace is pivotal in creating an environment that promotes productivity and collaboration, especially in co-working settings. Thoughtful layout and décor can dramatically influence how comfortable and engaged people feel at work. Integrating flexible furniture options, such as exercise desks, can cater to the wellness-focused trends that are increasingly popular among professionals. These desks encourage movement and health, subtly promoting a culture of wellbeing.

Incorporating elements such as comfortable seating areas, ample natural light, and plants can also transform a plain space into a vibrant and inviting work area. Ensuring there are communal spaces that encourage casual interactions, as well as quiet zones for focused work, can make a co-working space appeal to a broad range of preferences and working styles. By carefully considering these aspects, a workspace can become a place where creativity and productivity flourish.


Feedback & Continuous Improvement

Encouraging a culture of feedback and continuous improvement is essential in keeping co-working spaces dynamic and responsive to the needs of those who use them. Establishing regular channels for feedback such as suggestion boxes, digital surveys, or monthly discussion forums empowers members to voice their needs and ideas. 

This ongoing dialogue not only helps in fine-tuning the environment to better suit its users but also fosters a sense of community and belonging, as everyone has a stake in the evolution of the workspace. By valuing and acting upon the input of its members, a co-working space can continually adapt and thrive, ensuring it remains a productive, engaging, and satisfying place to work.


Photo credits: Coworking London
