How to shelter your construction site from the elements

Being in the UK means we need to be prepared for unpredictable weather. Unfortunately for some professions such as construction, a large proportion of the job takes place outdoors, meaning this can have a significantly bigger impact on day-to-day work.

 Often, delays and the threat of frustrated clients can become a real issue for those in the construction industry. In fact, studies show that the weather in the UK causes construction projects to be extended by an average of 21%. With this in mind, it’s important to have the correct strategy and equipment so that you’re prepared for anything that comes your way. Otherwise, you could risk the smooth running of your project being jeopardised, which can result in both an unhappy workforce and unhappy customers.

How can builders reduce the impact of the weather on construction projects?

There are a few different ways builders and construction workers can help to minimise the impact that poor weather might have on the project. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Preparing the construction schedule

Despite the stats linking poor weather in the UK to project extensions, there are things you can do to mitigate these impacts. By checking the weather forecast in advance and scheduling your jobs in a way that fits the weather for that day, you can optimise your time more efficiently.

  • Consider alternative construction methodology

Sometimes, rethinking your construction methodology can help the situation. If you’re able to adapt your project in a way that means you’re able to work in poor weather conditions more easily, it may be worth doing – even if that means a spot of re-planning and tweaking.

  • Put protection measures in place

By investing in plastic sheets, you can help protect both project progress and equipment from the elements. Some opt for coloured sheets as opposed to clear sheets to conceal things. Using heavy weights to keep the sheets from blowing away is another key step when weatherproofing in this way.

  • Prepare your project before severe weather strikes

Linking back to the need to schedule your workload effectively, you should try to get the project in the best shape possible before the poor weather comes around. By doing this, you can put more effort into the job on days where you have the green light in anticipation of the restrictions that the weather will eventually bring.

  • Be open about the risks with your customer

Sometimes, a little communication can go a long way. By speaking honestly with your customers, you can help them understand the restrictions from your side of things, mitigating the chance of frustration if the project does get delayed somewhat. Do you have any hacks you want to share? Leave any suggestions down below!
